If we look closer to the phenomenon of engagement it is obvious that both the individual and the organization is benefiting from ensuring a framework fostering engagement.
The reporting takes into account reporting both as a means to gain an overview and transparency at a central level, while also providing a tool locally to ensure a developmental and engaging process.
The method is based on evidence-based relationships regarding what influences engagement. However, it is rare that a business can ensure a favourable framework for engagement throughout the entire organization with a single shared and invitational approach. Different groups of employees will have distinct characteristics that result in varying degrees of impact on engagement.
While some employee groups will benefit more from increased support or greater flexibility, others will gain from clearer goals and improved information.

One of the main challenges with engagement surveys is ensuring that the results are effectively utilized at all levels of the organization. The tool is not primarily meant for central monitoring and control, but rather something that all managers should take ownership of and actively use in the development of their own areas of responsibility.
To ensure that the results go beyond being just a "report card" for leaders, we have incorporated support materials and actionable inspiration for the leader's own process. This way, the engagement measurement becomes as much a development process as a measuring tool. This approach helps us avoid the classic feedback from employees that "nothing ever changes after the survey", and instead motivates them to contribute to development process"